Covid 19 - Workshop News

Due to the current Coronavirus situation my mosaic workshops have sadly been postponed until it's possible to run them safely.  Those of you who've already been to one of my workshops will know they're pretty hands-on in terms of my help and also with all the tools and materials.  Since I already teach small groups and one-to-one, hopefully before too long it'll be possible to resume the classes, with masks or visors and lots of hand washing.  I am waiting for more Government guidance and advice and looking at ways to make this viable as soon as possible .

Just before the lockdown in March, my fabulous new studio at the bottom of the garden was finished.... such good/lucky timing!  After all the building work and non-stop rain our garden was carnage, but nature has woven its magic (with quite a lot of elbow grease thrown in!), Spring has sprung, and it has recovered!  In the meantime I decorated the studio and we installed a sedum roof with the help of a lovely italian friend, Giada.  Then there were countless trips up and down the garden with all my lovely jars of mosaic tiles and other art materials.... and then I hit the ground running!

I finally finished a mosaic commission that had been on my To Do List for far too long; and since then I've dug out my oil paints and been loving painting again after a long break.

The studio is a triumph - it's an amazing space with gorgeous views of the orchard and the hills beyond.  Away from the house it's a peaceful haven apart from the very loud, very constant birdsong.... it's bliss.  It'll be a wonderful, inspiring space for my workshops and I can't wait to share it with you. 

Hopefully by September/October it'll be possible to start teaching again.  Until then, please stay safe and well.

New Studio.jpg